3-Legged Vessels with Mishima Technique & Dingle Dangles
Approximately 3" h x 3"-4"d
(7 cm x 7-10 cm)
Clay & slip, under & overglaze, Rub ’n Buff, waxed linen, silk thread, glass seed beads, ostrich egg shell beads
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The Process
Clay is pinched into its form, legs are applied and holes are made at the top; the surface is carved, then dried, then covered with white slip, dried and then scraped revealing the carved design. The vessel is finished with underglazes, fired, then over glaze is painted on the inside and fired again. Next, waxed linen is sewn into the holes with half hitches; silk thread is used to sew glass seed beads into the same holes, then fired clay beads that have been burnished with Rub ’n Buff, are sewed onto the waxed linen, which makes a lovely sound!